Monday, January 31, 2011

Cornmeal Waffles

And I ate them all!!! No, not really. I played nice and shared. These were the cornmeal waffles from Vegan Brunch. Thus far I had only tried the chocolate beer waffles, and while they are amazing, I figured it was time to branch out a little. These were the only others that I could make with ingredients I had on hand--though I do plan to get around to the ginger ones and also the Chelsea waffles eventually. While I'm not a huge pancake fan (too dense) I love me some waffles, so it was a happy day when I realized that there were so many different types possible. These ones were interesting. Interesting good, but still interesting. They use quite a bit of cornmeal so they had a bit of a grainy texture and they had the cornmeal flavor, yet were also sweet. I enjoyed them. Another thing that I love about waffles is that the remainders can just be bagged up, popped in the freezer, and then reheated in the toaster Eggo style whenever your heart desires. These didn't even need maple syrup to be fabulous. I just popped them in the toaster and ate them plain on my walk to school--brought some warmth to my cool morning.

Do you have a favorite waffle recipe or flavor?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Vida Vegan Blog Conference

Have you folks heard of Vida Vegan?! It's gonna be this totally epic vegan bloggers conference in Portland this August. I've decided to go! I know I'm a bad blogger (2 months since last post, yay first post of the new year!) and a deeply indebted (thanks federal government) student, but I want to go badly and I figure I deserve to treat myself.

During my Winter break I decompressed for a week (read: slept and caught up on TV), then visited some friends (who were starting to wonder if I was still alive), celebrated the holidays, and finally got out to see some of the sites of our fair city. It was fabulous and completely refreshing. Now school's started again and it's go-go-go. I am however making it a priority to exercise a lot more and make good meals (even if it means eating dinner at 10 PM) because I was just not feeling so good the last 2 quarters. We're 4 weeks in to this one already (where does time go?!) and I'm feeling so much better. I'm even doing better at school (part of this is that I've actually learned something these last 2 quarters, so that helps).

Anyway, I have been cooking and I look forward to posting. Even more, I look forward to this conference and meeting many other fabulous vegans, including those whose blogs I read. Any one else attending?

And, yeah...Happy New Year!