Whenever I have leftover pesto I like to use it up on either pasta or pizza. This time we went with pizza. I cheated and bought pre-made dough at Trader Joe's, along with pizza sauce from a can. The cheese I made and then we topped it with vegan pepperoni, tomatoes, spinach and dollops of pesto. We served it up with some cantaloupe, or muskmelon if you will--they were taunting me, there were so many of them at the store that I thought they must be ripe early, but alas no; a few more months and then hopefully a good juicy one will be mine for the eating.
The cheese recipe I used for this is from Vegan Vittles. It requires some time. First tofu, nutritional yeast and spices get combined in a blender with a warm agar mixture. Then that has to set in the fridge for a few hours.
After that it can be shredded and used, et voila!
It's quite good and does melt which is pretty cool. Below the pizza is my ginormous silpat (Ok, yeah it's a generic). I have tile counters which can make cleaning flour off of them a huge pain. I have learned, after countless times scrubbing grout and cursing, that anything I need to roll out will fit on that and it's saved me much time and anger in the kitchen. They're like 20 dollars at a well-stocked kitchen store, totally worth it!
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